"Mermaid Panic" is a another remake of one of the most classic games of all time.it was written for an Allegro programming contest (like most of my PC games... I really like those contests ).I recently changed parts of the code to ensure it doesn't run too fast on modern computers and incresed the fire rate to make the game more fun. It's OK for me if you place these downloads on your site, as long as you're giving correct credit and link back to http://www.steinke.net/ Please note that we have tested all downloads to ensure that they work the way they are supposed to work.But, since I don't have the time and/or equipment to take all contingencies into account, THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED TO YOU "AS IS" WITHOUT REPRESENTATION, WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, DURABILITY, TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OR INTER-OPERABILITY OF PRODUCTS OR SERVICES.USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.